Hier findest du die Standard Konfigurationsdatei vom Discord Bot
Last updated
Hier findest du die Standard Konfigurationsdatei vom Discord Bot
Last updated
# to use the discord bot, please create a discord app here https://discord.com/developers/applications
# after that go to "bot" and enable under Privileged Gateway Intents the points "SERVER MEMBERS INTENT", "MESSAGE CONTENT INTENT" and "PRESENCE INTENT"
# furthermore paste your discord token here and invite the bot to your discord server.
# If the plugin was started and the module "discord verify" is enabled the bot will be started automatically
token: ""
# available states are ONLINE, IDLE, DO_NOT_DISTURB, INVISIBLE or leave empty for default (online)
state: "ONLINE"
# for example:
# activity: "PLAYING"
# content: "Minecraft"
# available activities are PLAYING, LISTENING, WATCHING or CUSTOM
# by CUSTOM the field content can be empty because only the content of the field 'activity' will be displayed
# or leave empty for no activity
activity: "PLAYING"
content: "Minecraft"
# replace '-1' with the id of the guild of your Discord Server
guildID: -1
# If enabled, the Discord name will be replaced with the Minecraft account name.
replaceName: false
# enter your Discord invite link here
# if you want to show the url in color in the minecraft chat please enter before the url a colorcode
link: ""
# you can choose which channel are available to write between discord and Minecraft
# it would be advantageous if no images were allowed to be broadcast in these channels.
# !!the name of the channel has to be in lower case!!
# syntax:
# name: "name of the channel"
# channelID: -1
countOfChannels: 2
name: "chat"
webhook: ""
channelID: -1
name: "techporn"
webhook: ""
channelID: -1
countOfTeamGroups: 6
countOfCommunityGroups: 1
defaultColor: "&7"
defaultGroup: "Player"
# if a player unlink his account, which role will he get
defaultRoleID: -1
# replace '-1' with the id of the roles of your Discord Server
# if you want you can edit the permission for the groups
# the potency is for the weighting of the roles the smaller the number the higher the rank
name: "Premium"
potency: 7
color: "&6"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.premium"
name: "Player"
potency: 8
color: "&7"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.player"
name: "Owner"
potency: 1
color: "&4"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.owner"
name: "Admin"
potency: 2
color: "&c"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.admin"
name: "Moderator"
potency: 3
color: "&1"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.moderator"
name: "Supporter"
potency: 4
color: "&9"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.supporter"
name: "Developer"
potency: 5
color: "&b"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.developer"
name: "Builder"
potency: 6
color: "&4"
roleID: -1
permission: "bungeesystem.discord.builder"